In 30th Plast Eurasia Istanbul DVT DEVOTRANS one of the most popular as usual 22/12/2021

Tüyap was once more home to Plast Istanbul Eurasia in 2021 in the 30th event of the Fair, the most important of the plastics industry in the region, with participants from across the world. The most well-established actors of the industry in Turkey were also present there, including DVT DEVOTRANS. DVT DEVOTRANS was one of the most popular participants, as usual.
The event started on Dec 1 and was the scene of a number of very productive contacts between customers and manufacturers of the plastics industry during four days. Quality control and test equipment products of DVT DEVOTRANS were very popular during the event.
More than 60,000 visitors from more than 120 countries came to the fair. It was over on Dec 4. The Fair was visited by more than 900 hundred purchase missions from 39 countries, including Germany, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Algeria, Morocco, Palestine, Finland, Georgia, Croatia, India, Iraq, Iran, Spain, Israel, Sweden, Italy, Kosovo, Libya, Lebanon, Macedonia, Egypt, Mauritania, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Serbia, Chili, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Ukraine, Oman, Jordan, Yemen and Greece. The event was a great opportunity for business development for the participants and is expected to contribute significantly to the exports of the participating firms on a medium – long-term basis.
Naturally, a number of comments were made on Plast Eurasia Istanbul 2021, one of the most important events of the plastics industry.
Mr. Hakan ULUTAŞ, CEO of DVT DEVOTRANS, comments as follows on the event: “Despite the pandemic, the plastics industry managed to grow. Its resuming fair activities after a one-year break is great. DVT DEVOTRANS enjoys a wide range of products in the field of test equipment meeting the requirements of a wide range of industries and extensive experience. These events help us improve our creativity and provide us with an opportunity to develop one-to-one relations with customers. This is why I find this event very important. Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, our firm managed to continue to improve itself over the last years and adopted the new developments that took place in the field of advanced technology. We will continue to make our customers benefit from this development through such events.”