Lifetime tester is used to carry out lifetime simulations on soft pipes used mainly in the car industry and motorbikes industry for those parts that communicate hydraulic fluids, air pressure etc.

This test device is used mainly in the car industry, the driving force behind the global economy, to carry out lifetime simulations on soft pipes used for those parts that communicate hydraulic fluids, air pressure etc. BRAKE HOSE LIFE TESTER ZGT 7805 is one of the best lifetime testers in its category.

Lifetime testers are used in the fields of pipe, rubber, car industry, electric home appliances and plastics. It has very sophisticated technical features and is manufactured in accordance with the standards and has measurement features that comply with the standards. It is used in thousands of fields of activities.

As with all other quality control and test devices manufactured by Devotrans, products taken as a reference in this industry, the BRAKE HOSE LIFETIME TESTER ZGT 7805, manufactured under the trademark and quality assurance of Devotrans, is a very efficient device. As for its technical features:

4 sets of jaws, Flexing radius: 100 mm, Sample length (adjustable): 100~600 mm, Flexing speed: 800 rpm, Load: 1620 kPa, Load accuracy: ±1%, AC 3HP motor, fluid tank – feature of stopping at bursting with pressure control system. Hydraulic system, Hydraulic pressure: 1650 kPa (16.52 kg/cm2), Maximum pressure: 3000 kPa,

Timer (adjustable): 0~99, 99.9 minutes. Transparent lid as a protection feature. For the hydraulic device to be activated, the lid must be closed. Power: 3∮, AC 380V, 9A (to be specified by the user).

For more information on the technical features of the device, contact our technical team.

As with the other control and test equipment, the lifetime tester is a test device that has many features and informative details.

The most popular keywords used for searches on this test device are: lifetime tester, test device, lifetime test and control equipment, lifetime test equipment, rubber tester, pipe tester, brake hose test, plastic tester, plastic test equipment



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